Audio Description

Customers using our AD products include: Red Bee Media (UK, USA, Germany and Australia), Sky (UK), ITV (UK), CaptionMax (USA), Able (New Zealand), Swiss Text (Germany) and The Substation (Australia).

Also known as Video Description, Descriptive Video, or Descriptive Audio – products for creating industry standard ESEF files, producing linear BWAV audio files and 24/25 frame rate conversion.

What is audio description? Audio Description is an additional commentary that describes what is happening on the screen or the stage for people who have difficulty seeing the action, body language, facial expressions, costume, or scenery.
Royal National Institute of the Blind – London, UK


Starfish engineers have been involved with the development of AD technology since 1999.

We offer the Advantage Audio Description product range that can provide an end-to-end AD system, starting with a single AD authoring workstation and expanding through to managed workflow systems for broadcasters implementing automated AD transmission.


Download  Audio Description Product Overview

Download  Audio Description Workflow Diagram


If you are searching for vocational training to learn how to Audio Describe, you can contact the Audio Description Association in the UK.

Free ESEF File Viewer


Download  Advantage FileViewer informationsheet

Download  Register to download our free ESEF file viewer application


Please note that QC functionality is limited in the freeware edition. It is included as a demonstration of the capabilities of the fully licensed product.